@article{oai:kyoritsu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000061, author = {山口, 春花 and Yamaguchi, Haruka and Shirakawa, Yoshiko and 白川, 佳子}, issue = {70}, journal = {共立女子大学家政学部紀要, Bulletin of the faculty of home economics Kyoritsu Women's University}, month = {Feb}, note = {本研究の目的は,母親と保育者が子どもに対して行う身体接触にどのような特徴があるのか,また,子どもの情動場面によって母親と保育者の身体接触は異なるのかを明らかにすることである。0 歳児から5 歳児クラスの母親と同一園に勤務する保育者を対象とし,母親には自分の子ども(保育者は自分のクラスの子ども)に対して行う身体接触を尋ねた。その結果,1 歳児群の母親は他の年齢群の母親より身体接触をする人が有意に多く,それに対して,1 歳児群の保育者は他の年齢群の保育者より身体接触をする人が有意に少ないことが明らかになった。さらに,母親と保育者では1 歳児に対して行う身体接触が子どもの情動場面によって異なることが示唆された。, The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of physical contact between mothers and ECEC teachers with younger children, and whether the physical contact between mothers and ECEC teachers differs depending on the children’s emotional situations. Mothers of 0 to 5 year old classes and ECEC teachers working in the same preschool were included, and mothers were asked about physical contact they make with their own children (and ECEC teachers are children in their own classes). The results showed that mothers in the 1-year-old group made significantly more physical contact with their children than mothers in the other age groups, while ECEC teachers in the 1-year-old group made significantly less physical contact with their children than ECEC teachers in the other age groups. Furthermore, the results suggest that the physical contact mothers and ECEC teachers make with 1-year-olds differs depending on the child’s emotional situation.}, pages = {37--48}, title = {母親と保育者の乳幼児に対する身体接触についての研究 : 身体接触の種類と情動場面に着目して}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ヤマグチ, ハルカ and シラカワ, ヨシコ} }