@article{oai:kyoritsu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000075, author = {Okada, Hiromi and 岡田, ひろみ and Iida, Sayaka and 飯田, さやか and Kondo, Takashi and 近藤, 壮 and Sakimoto, Hanae and 咲本, 英恵 and Tsuchida, Makiko and 土田, 牧子 and Hori, Shin and 堀, 新}, issue = {30}, journal = {共立女子大学・共立女子短期大学総合文化研究所紀要, Bulletin of center for interdisciplinary studies of science and culture Kyoritsu Women's University & Kyoritsu Women's Junior College}, month = {Feb}, note = {In recent years, there has been a lively debate among various academic societies on the state of classical literature education. As is well known, the social tendency to regard classical literature as unnecessary is growing stronger year by year. This situation should not be overlooked by those involved in classical literature education, nor by classical literature researchers. As a way to increase interest in classical literature and culture, we believe it is important to introduce Japanese-style books, mainly from theEdo period and earlier, and to let them known widely through education. Despite the large collection of antique Japanese-style books our university owns, no research on them had been made public, except for a catalog compiled in 1996. Thanks to the grant for cooperative researches by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science and Culture, we have compiled the second catalog. Of the books not included in the initial catalog, 40 items were selected as particularly rare, in good condition, or widely known, and are described not only in terms of their bibliography, but also in terms of their contents. This catalog was designed to be used not only for research but also for education. It was distributed to students enrolled in Japanese Literature Reading A in 2023, where the students were provided with opportunities to actually contact with classical Japanese-style books and to increase their interest in them.}, pages = {15--38}, title = {共立女子大学・短期大学図書館所蔵和装本の教育利用}, year = {2024}, yomi = {オカダ, ヒロミ and イイダ, サヤカ and コンドウ, タカシ and サキモト, ハナエ and ツチダ, マキコ and ホリ, シン} }