@article{oai:kyoritsu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002879, author = {齋藤, 孝子 and 冨澤, 美幸 and 廣瀬, 信子 and 三河, 聡子 and 橋本, 正子 and 岡本, 千代 and 宮腰, 麻美 and Saito, Takako and Tomizawa, Miyuki and Hirose, Nobuko and Mikawa, Satoko and Hashimoto, Syoko and Okamoto, Chiyo and Miyakoshi, Asami}, journal = {共立女子短期大学看護学科紀要, Annual bulletin department of nursing}, month = {Feb}, note = {New study shows that e-learning system "Kyonet" can help whether used for study or classroom. We administered the questionnaire at the end of the first semester. From an analysis of the results of our questionnaire for students. this study shows the following. 1. Students utilizes "Kyonet" voluntarily as an on-demand tool. The tool contains: 1) Videos regarding basic nursing skills: Nursing demonstrations by teachers are shown in the videos and they are delivered on Kyoritsu University's ICT, "Kyonet". They help students to study when they prepare or review. 2) Mini-exams: These are also delivered on "Kyonet". 2. Videos content attracts students interest when they prepare to study. 3. Mini-exams help students what they've learned .}, pages = {7--18}, title = {看護技術教育においてICTを活用した自己学習促進ツールの学習効果}, volume = {8}, year = {2013}, yomi = {サイトウ, タカコ and トミザワ, ミユキ and ヒロセ, ノブコ and ミカワ, サトコ and ハシモト, ショウコ and オカモト, チヨ and ミヤコシ, アサミ} }