@article{oai:kyoritsu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003085, author = {浅沼, かおり and Asanuma, Kaori}, journal = {共立国際研究 : 共立女子大学国際学部紀要, The Kyoritsu journal of international studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {4. Marriages in the Zhao Family Marriages in the Zhao Family were strikingly localized; about 90% of all them were contracted within Jiang-su province; more than 70% were within Changzhou prefecture; and roughly 60% were within the two counties, Wujin county and Yanghu county, which the Zhao family call their tongli or home. In Zhao Family marriages, two anthropological marriage patterns can be discerned: the father's sister's daughter marriage (cross-cousin marriage) and uxorilocal marriage. In the Zhao Family, the former occurred frequently when the members sought their spouses among cousins who belonged to geographically distant families. The latter seems to have been a widely accepted way for elite families, including the Zhao Family, to expand their family branch out of their 'home' into other areas within the Lower Yangtze region, although anthropologists studying modern Chinese communities point out uxorilocal or matrilocal marriage is seen as a last resort for poor men to find a spouse., 論説, Articles}, pages = {1--42}, title = {常州観荘趙氏の歴史にみる清代社会の一断面(4)}, volume = {32}, year = {2015}, yomi = {アサヌマ, カオリ} }