@article{oai:kyoritsu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003173, author = {八十田, 博人 and Yasoda, Hirohito}, journal = {共立国際研究 : 共立女子大学国際学部紀要, The Kyoritsu journal of international studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Ventotene Manifsto, a famous historical document of European federalist idea, was mainly written by Altiero Spinelli, through the collaboration of Ernesto Rossi, activist of the anti-Fasist movement, "Justice and Liberty" (Giustizia e Libertà). Rossi's contribution to the Ventotene Manifesto is already well known, such as his introduction of the criticism on the sovereign state system of Rionel Robbins to Spinelli, however, his energetic gathering of knowledge in the prison camp reached far more profound depths. Italian scholars of intellectual histoy have recently revealed that his "ethical liberalism" was much influenced by the works of Philip H. Wicksteed. Against the hardships that he faced in prison camps, now elucidated by local historians, Rossi made his political pathway to radical liberalism, as an alternative to Fascism and national capitalism, by use of many books in the prison and conversations with many political intellectuals there., 論説, Articles}, pages = {131--145}, title = {反ファシスト政治犯収容所におけるエルネスト・ロッシの知的抵抗 : 「ヴェントテーネ宣言」執筆過程の理解のために}, volume = {33}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヤソダ, ヒロヒト} }