@article{oai:kyoritsu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003250, author = {渡辺, 明日香 and Watanabe, Asuka}, journal = {共立女子短期大学生活科学科紀要, Annual bulletin department of the science of living}, month = {Feb}, note = {"Ryousangata Fashion (mass-produced fashion)" refers to the phenomenon where a group of people will display a uniform style of hair, makeup, clothes, and behavior. Several factors are thought to be behind the emergence of Mass-Produced Fashion, including an increase in the number of young people attempting to conform to the atmosphere in which they find themselves in order to not stand out from their group of friends as well as the emergence of fast fashion brands from the 2000s such as UNIQLO and H&M and the resulting homogenization of clothing styles. This article recounts a survey which was performed to see exactly how fashion which is considered "mass-produced" came to be from the fixed-point observation provided by the street fashion of the 10 years between 2008 and 2017. Furthermore, a questionnaire survey was performed on female students/male students at coeducation institutions and women's colleges to ascertain the actual condition of fashion awareness displayed by these individuals.It is clear from the results of these surveys that, due to changes in the circulation and consumption of fashion, changes in the significance of wearing fashionable clothing and the way that young people perceive fashionable clothing are taking place.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {量産型ファッションの実態調査を基にした若者のファッション意識}, volume = {61}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ワタナベ, アスカ} }